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John Dory, Yew - ref #1

Preening Heron, One of a pair of herons in oak - ref #2

Watchful Heron, One of a pair of herons in oak - ref #3

Great White Shark, Carved in mulberry - ref #4

Barn owl, Sycamore with eyes in teak - ref #5

Diving grebe , Laburnum - ref #6

Heron, Carved in mulberry - ref #7

Gurnard, Jara wood - ref #8

Short eared owl, Cherry wood - ref #9

TIme to rest, Cypress - ref #10

Catch off the boat, Cypress - ref #11

Tea break, Cypress - ref #12

Deep ocean, Yew - ref #14

Ling, Mulberry - ref #15

Orca leaping, Yew - ref #16

Cod, Mulberry - ref #17

Tern in flight, Lime on teak background in relief - ref #18

Kestral standing, Cherry wood - ref #19

Red Kite, Red wood grown in Cornwall - ref #24

Golden Eagle, Walnut - ref #27